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  • E-305, Eastern Business District, LBS Marg, Bhandup (W), Mumbai-400078
  • +91-877-927-9028

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Patent Drafting and Patent Filing

Patent filing safeguards the new inventions and provides the exclusive rights to the innovator over his invention for the period of 20 years. Understanding of the invention is of utmost importance before starting the draft preparation.

VKnow Patent Services is a one-stop place where you can reach to the experts who can understand the technical subject matter and also possess in-depth knowledge of various laws.

Patent Drafting starts with drafting of technical field of the invention and background of the invention; and thereafter proceed to the drafting of detailed description of the invention, abstract and most importantly, claims that describe the scope of the invention. It is also crucial to draft the patent according to the patent laws. VKnow Patent Services provide all the required assistance and help to safeguard the invention.

In this regard, VKnow Patent Services’ team is skilled to draft Provisional and Complete Patent Specification, Ordinary, Conventional, PCT and National Phase patent applications.

Forms required during filing of patent application with Indian Patent Office –

Prior Art Searching

Prior art search unveils any previously existing art/ knowledge prior to the invention. Searching for prior arts is bit lingering process and its needs organized searching with technical knowledge, hand-on experience and various databases.

VKnow Patent Services profoundly provide an assistance to the potential client to understand the prevailing state of art in their field of research and accordingly provide an idea about the novelty of their invention.

Patent Landscape Reports

Patent Landscape Report concisely combine all the relevant references from desired field of invention. This is considered as one of the prime tools to understand the state of art, market situation, the emerging trend in market and current need(s) of the market. As per the need basis, from the client, mostly the report is region specific to scrutinize the various opportunities available in their market of choice.

We also provide inputs in product identification and Business Development Strategies for Product Launch.

Freedom To Operate Reports (FTO Reports)

Before developing or launching a new product, it is always advisable to check whether there exist any patent concerns to commercialize the product. Thus, at this stage, Freedom-to operate analysis is at most relevant wherein detailed patent information on the state of art for a particular product for commercialization is ascertained.

FTO Report minimizes the risks and avoids the financial loss on developing the product wherein there are patent concerns or risk. FTO analysis is the preliminary step for many IP activities, including but not limited to patent licensing, cross-licensing, design around and patent pools.

Patent Prosecution

Patent prosecution at patent office includes filing request for examination, replying to the examination report, attending hearings, submitting the written submissions for grant of the patent, maintaining the patents, filing & defending pre-grant & post-grant oppositions.

Patent Litigation Support

Patent Litigation is a legal process that unrolls when third party infringes patentee’s or applicant holder’s patent rights without the applicant’s permission, by making, using, offering to sell, or selling a product or article that contains every element of a patented invention that is claimed and legally maintained. In such cases, the applicant can file suit for infringement against the third party and can demand an injunction as well as damages, whereas the third party can file a counter claim for patent revocation on the ground of the prevalence of prior art and the invention obviousness, lacks novelty and any other lapse in procedure or administrative formal requirements.

We at VKnow Patent Services have years of technical as well as legal experience to provide litigation support to our client for protecting the client’s interests. We have proficiency in providing strategic inputs for Paragraph IV opportunity in US & Carve-outs, providing a legal opinion assistance including Notice letter, to be shared with foreign attorneys.

Our IP professionals work closely with the client and Senior advocates to address all complexities in a case and thereby bring out the best possible results during and after the judicial proceedings.